Ionic-Global - Our Recognition

Our Recognition


The antimicrobial solution Ombac+, made with Ionic Global’s latest technology – IGTECH, had been certified by numerous renowned accredited laboratories for its efficacy. The pure natural ingredient in the disinfectant, ionized hypochlorous acid had been tested for its efficiency in killing 99.99% of most microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungus and germs) within 30 seconds. In addition to that, the efficacy of the solution was proven with the standards of EN 1276, EN 1650 and EN 14476.


Several agencies such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Japan Agricultural Standard (JAS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) had approved for the use of ionized hypochlorous acid in health care, veterinary care, agriculture, industrial and general sanitation.

Test Reports by Renowned Accredited Laboratories

Agencies that acknowledge

Hypochlorous acid as Antimicrobial Ingredient